Adult Discipleship

Discipleship is a key element to our shared life together at Seaside. We believe that God is not content only to save us, but desires to shape us into Kingdom people. One of the ways we seek to accomplish this is through our Discipleship and Spiritual Formation ministries and opportunities. From Bible Studies to retreats, spiritual exercises to group discussions, we offer a range of ways that enable you to deepen your faith as you seek to understand the love of God in order to share the love of God.


Adult Sunday School

Cross Talkers
9:30 AM in Room 210

The Cross Talkers study scripture using the Cokesbury adult scripture study. All are welcome to join at any time.

Faith Journeys - “Unafraid - Living with Courage & Hope in Uncertain Times” by Rev. Adam Hamilton
10:45 a.m. in Room 207

This book discusses ways to address the fear, anxiety and worry in a troubled world. This is a DVD/discussion study. Each Sunday the class will cover two chapters. A limited number of books are available.

Adult Bible Studies

2025 Winter Classes - Register Below for your Class Choice.

Class Facilitators Will Contact You When Books Are Available for Pickup


Seaside’s labyrinth is open to all, a quiet setting to reflect and pray. Walking the labyrinth is a meditation opportunity that helps you focus on spiritual, healing and life issues. A prayer labyrinth allows you to slow down, be grateful and pray.

A Layrinth Prayer seeks to provide a way of assisting us on a journey that leads inward towards Christ, and then back out into the world. When engaged in Labyrinth Prayer, the hope is that we will be able to leave behind your worries

Holy Friends

Holy Friends are small groups of couples and/or singles who generally meet once a month in the group members’ homes. The major focus of Holy Friends is building relationships—growing relationships with those in your group and a growing spiritual relationship with God. There is usually a meal shared together, time for building community, time for teaching and sharing faith journeys and, of course a time for prayer. Each group sets the date and time for their meeting.



Spiritual Exercises

Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is a contemplative way of reading the Bible. It dates back to the early centuries of the Christian Church. It is a way of praying the scriptures that leads us deeper into God’s word. We slow down. We read a short passage more than once. We think it over slowly and carefully. We savour it. Scripture begins to speak to us in a new way. It speaks to us personally, and aids that union we have with God through Christ who is himself the Living Word.

Prayer of Examen

The prayer of examen is a prayer that prompts us to look at the events of the day and ask one simple question: “Where is God in all of this?” The prayer of examen is the process of examining our lives in an effort to discover where God was present and active in our day-to-day experiences. The prayer of examen is a way of looking into the past in order to gain a better appreciation for understanding and recognizing God’s presence and hand in the future. It is also the way by which we can evaluate how we have responded to this movement of God. The prayer of examen is a prayer discipline that we can use to help us better see how God is reaching into this world and is moving towards us as individuals.

Some questions to ask as you practice the Prayer of Examen:

  • Where did I see God at work today?

  • How did I respond to God’s presence in those moments?

  • What were the moments when I best reflected Jesus for others to see?