About Seaside UMC

Seaside United Methodist Church, located in Sunset Beach, NC, is a community of faith that seeks to follow Christ more deeply through the dedication of our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. We are made up of folks who come from many different locations, backgrounds and even faith traditions, yet we seek to be united on our shared calling to build the Kingdom of God. We believe that we are made stronger by our diversity of thought and tradition, and welcome everyone who shares our goal of being a unified body of Christ.


What We Believe

Our Christian Beliefs: God
God, who is one, is revealed in three distinct persons. Read More

Our Christian Beliefs: Jesus
We believe in the mystery of salvation through Jesus Christ. God became human in Jesus of Nazareth; and his life, death and resurrection demonstrate God’s redeeming love.
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Our Christian Beliefs: The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God’s present activity in our midst. When we sense God’s leading, God’s challenge, or God’s support or comfort, it is the Holy Spirit at work. Read More

Our Christian Beliefs: Human Beings
Genesis 1:27 asserts that we have been made in the image of the Creator. Like God we have the capacity to love and care, to communicate, and to create. Read More

Our Christian Beliefs: The Church
The church is the body of Christ, an extension of Christ’s life and ministry in the world today. Read More

Our Christian Beliefs: The Bible
We believe that the Bible is the primary authority for our faith and practice. Read More

Our Christian Beliefs: God’s Reign
The kingdom or reign of God is both a present reality and future hope. Read More


Our Mission

Building bridges to connect people in a transformative relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

A vital community, encountering Jesus Christ and living abundantly through service to God and neighbor.


Our Story

Seaside United Methodist Church has been growing and changing since 1989 when a community survey was conducted by a group of individuals interested in establishing a new United Methodist Church in South Brunswick County.  Results of the survey were favorable and the organizing members began the task of officially chartering Seaside United Methodist Church.

On June 18, 1989, Bishop C.P. Minnick appointed the Reverend Camille Yorkey Edwards as the first pastor of Seaside United Methodist Church.  With seventy-five persons present, the first services were held in a former furniture store on July 2, 1989.

Three years later, on July 5, 1992, Seaside United Methodist Church moved into its new facility located on Route 904 near Seaside Station.  The inaugural service was attended by more than three hundred fifty persons.  The church had grown almost ten-fold in just three years.

In 1993, Rev. Jerry Lowry was appointed to serve this dynamic, growing church.  During his tenure, membership increased and many new outreach ministries were established the meet the needs of the surrounding community and a world in need.

Rev. Robert (Bob) Redmond succeeded Rev. Lowry in 2000 and remained at Seaside until 2007.  During these years, the church grew to 564 active members and Seaside continued to serve as a leader for outreach ministries in a rapidly growing community.  In 2005, the church began construction of a new worship center, and dedication services for this beautiful new facility were held in November of 2006.

Since that time Seaside has been served by Rev. Scott and Rev. Mary Jane Wilson-Parsons as a Co-Pastor Team (2009-2019); Interim Pastor Rev. Francis Daniel (2019-2020); Rev. Dr. Gene Cobb (2020-2022); Rev. Stefanie Riley, Executive Pastor (2014-Present) and Rev. Dr. Matt Farabow (2022-Present).


Where We Are Located

1300 Seaside Road, SW
Sunset Beach, NC 28468

Phone: 910.579.5753
Emergency Number: 910.269.1928
Email: info@seasideumc.org


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Connect With Us

Meet Our Ministry Team

Ministry Team

Vito Bisogno

Minister of Congregational Care

Scott Sprouse

Director of Media Ministries


Worship and Music Team

Chris Colòn

Director of Music Ministries


Administrative Team

Mary Ellen Good

Director of Communications
910.579.5753 x224

Ginny Dellicarri

Administrative Assistant
910.579.5753 x224


Buildings & Grounds

Steve Workinger

Facilities Manager